Women, be aware of what LVM calls "Kino".


Staff member
Women, be aware of what LVM calls "Kino".

Lots of male users and some RedPillers describe practices like kino ( kino or ESCALATION is short for kinesthetic approach, meaning physical touch) of invading a woman's space without her noticing and start pushing her towards a hookup. They use different strategies depending on the environment with the sole purpose of being undetected and isolating the target/ evaluating your responsiveness to being touched. This is how they think:

r/FemaleDatingStrategy - Women, be aware of what LVM calls Kino.
Basically, it's when the guy gets handsy with you, he' tries this while looking for clues that he can proceed further sexually. Google "Billy's guide to Kino", scroll down, read.

Lots of guys I know (young and old) sincerely believe women are unable to make decisions and need to be "warmed up" and pushed in the right direction because they can't logically decide if they want a guy. So they learn how to ESCALATE (yes, that's a thing).

Here's a quote:

" The way it works is that you want to fuck the girl (at the very least, you want to get a kiss at the end of the night). You simply CANNOT fuck a girl without establishing some sort of physical intimacy beforehand (with a few exceptions I guess). It's just gonna make it a thousand times more awkward if you go for a kiss after 3 hours of talking but no touching. That kiss is gonna be the first time you make physical contact with her. That's gonna be weird, assuming it even happens, and a lot of times it won't even happen because you haven't set up the sort of situation that allows for it (which you set up with kino).

Also, it allows you to "invade" another person's "personal space"- when done correctly, you barge right into their personal space and they immediately become more comfortable with you (because it was natural). Once they've allowed you into that space, it becomes that much easier to push the boundaries and take it further."

Example from Reddit:

r/FemaleDatingStrategy - Women, be aware of what LVM calls Kino.
Here's what they say about it: "The reason kino is important is aside from its aforementioned benefits and uses, it builds connection."

Please google "a guide to Kino Reddit" or "guide to escalation seduction reddit" to see the strategies they use.

Example of strategies:

r/FemaleDatingStrategy - Women, be aware of what LVM calls Kino.
Especially younger women need to be aware that they do it to test the waters, starting from non-sexual things to determine if they have a chance (and most will believe they're 100% correct in reading women's signals).

The kino they try to use is practiced to look innocent to help them omit responsibility in case you notice it so they can back off if you're not interested, or call you crazy, it's never should be obvious to a woman.

Please, ladies, BOUNDARIES. Define and make them known!

Update: I've noticed that some women on this sub are taking this post literally thinking it's solely about a homeless-looking man trying to kiss or touch them out of nowhere in a dark alley. Not really. It can start with a nicely shaved and dressed HWM on paper asking you out on a date, then start pulling small moves like the ones above. If the end goal is to get laid they will adjust based on their environment setting (they won't be too rapey or pushy on a date but build up your comfort level to escalate later...). This can happen in a relationship or situation. Keep your boundaries up, ladies.


Staff member
Omg that second to last paragraph in the middle slide is horrifying. These men are delusional and out of touch with reality, life is not a video game and a woman's no means NO. It doesn't mean "convince me or just force me." This is disgusting behavior.

Side note: I'm so tired of idiots using science or "millions of years of eVoLuTion" bs to justify being a depraved criminal.

I've explained to men before that I do not need to be convinced to sleep with them, if I want to it will be clear. They would still push and push because "sometimes a no means yes". They literally will not listen to you even when you establish clear boundaries. I was sexually coerced multiple times in this way. When men say "no doesn't always mean no" they almost never have actually been with women who meant yes when they said no. They tell themselves and each other this because it makes them feel better about being a rapist.

They just can't let anything develop naturally, because they don't want relationship, they just want sex. If it feels rushed, it's because he's rushing. Ask yourself what's the big hurry?

Seriously. Either the woman isn’t that into them and they’re pressuring an unenthusiastic partner (sexual coercion — yes, LV lurkers: pressuring a woman into sex is considered assault) OR that woman would have had sex with them eventually. God forbid they have to wait a few months for sex when they’ve probably been single for years. You’re exactly right; they only rush things when they want to coerce a woman into sex and move onto the next one.

If I get touched by a guy I instantly get weirded out and I know what it's going because I know men internalize being touched by a woman as the woman being "into them".

They really believe that if they touch us enough times we are gonna spread our legs open? What a bunch of pathetic creeps.

I guess that when you have Shit personality all you can do is end up constantly touching a woman like a creep trying to get a reaction and blame that behavior to "eVoLUtiON". If she still rejects you then you can rape her because you can never be so sure with women, since they don't know what they want, right?

What a joke.

No always means no, fuck you PUA idiots. This is exactly how they justify rape, by acting as though we don't know our own minds. We know, but if they pretend we don't, they can then coerce and rape us guilt-free. Absolutely disgusting. We women need to stop having children with such disgusting "men", and only save our genetic material for men who see us as humans like them, and respect us. This is the only way to get POS like these out our gene pool.

This is so triggering for me personally and I (21) am glad you posted it. It really brings home the fact that my first relationship (my most recent) was with a man baby (21) who did this shit. He tried to kiss me on the second date, the third date, the fourth date and the fifth. Each time I had to reject him as he was literally so close to my mouth. I hadn’t kissed before and I would feel so awkward saying “not yet” or “maybe next date” because I felt a straight “no” would be too harsh and bitchy when he clearly wanted me 🤢 I would tell him that he needed to ASK first so I could have some time to prepare... even a few months into our relationship when he would initiate sexual touch without me being into it. Aka me purposefully trying to fall asleep with my back to him... his response was that he thought it was a mood killer and he wanted it to “be natural”. Lmao fuck him, I could seriously hurt him right now, reliving all of it through this new lens. I want to cry lmao

Normally (pre covid) if I fancy a guy on a first date, I make a point of touching him non sexually a few times. Not even flirty, just random thighs touching, a hug when you meet or say goodbye, a pat on his arm if he makes me laugh. I do it so I get asked out again - not for these rapey incel reasons, but it is a deliberate strategy.

As I’m not very ‘sexy’ naturally with strangers, I found that a date could be fun, we’d have loads in common but I wouldn’t be asked out again.

If however I do the touching thing I guess it signals to the guy that you are into them. These incels are projecting because THEY need touch to feel sexually attracted. Just started dating again and because of covid I haven’t done the touching thing and I haven’t been asked on second dates. I think some women are naturally alluring in how they speak or look but I can’t fake that so I do the touching - which if memory serves has 100% success rate of getting a second date - and 100% non success if I don’t 😂


New member
Women, be aware of what LVM calls "Kino".

Lots of male users and some RedPillers describe practices like kino ( kino or ESCALATION is short for kinesthetic approach, meaning physical touch) of invading a woman's space without her noticing and start pushing her towards a hookup. They use different strategies depending on the environment with the sole purpose of being undetected and isolating the target/ evaluating your responsiveness to being touched. This is how they think:

r/FemaleDatingStrategy - Women, be aware of what LVM calls Kino.
Basically, it's when the guy gets handsy with you, he' tries this while looking for clues that he can proceed further sexually. Google "Billy's guide to Kino", scroll down, read.

Lots of guys I know (young and old) sincerely believe women are unable to make decisions and need to be "warmed up" and pushed in the right direction because they can't logically decide if they want a guy. So they learn how to ESCALATE (yes, that's a thing).

Here's a quote:

" The way it works is that you want to fuck the girl (at the very least, you want to get a kiss at the end of the night). You simply CANNOT fuck a girl without establishing some sort of physical intimacy beforehand (with a few exceptions I guess). It's just gonna make it a thousand times more awkward if you go for a kiss after 3 hours of talking but no touching. That kiss is gonna be the first time you make physical contact with her. That's gonna be weird, assuming it even happens, and a lot of times it won't even happen because you haven't set up the sort of situation that allows for it (which you set up with kino).

Also, it allows you to "invade" another person's "personal space"- when done correctly, you barge right into their personal space and they immediately become more comfortable with you (because it was natural). Once they've allowed you into that space, it becomes that much easier to push the boundaries and take it further."

Example from Reddit:

r/FemaleDatingStrategy - Women, be aware of what LVM calls Kino.
Here's what they say about it: "The reason kino is important is aside from its aforementioned benefits and uses, it builds connection."

Please google "a guide to Kino Reddit" or "guide to escalation seduction reddit" to see the strategies they use.

Example of strategies:

r/FemaleDatingStrategy - Women, be aware of what LVM calls Kino.
Especially younger women need to be aware that they do it to test the waters, starting from non-sexual things to determine if they have a chance (and most will believe they're 100% correct in reading women's signals).

The kino they try to use is practiced to look innocent to help them omit responsibility in case you notice it so they can back off if you're not interested, or call you crazy, it's never should be obvious to a woman.

Please, ladies, BOUNDARIES. Define and make them known!

Update: I've noticed that some women on this sub are taking this post literally thinking it's solely about a homeless-looking man trying to kiss or touch them out of nowhere in a dark alley. Not really. It can start with a nicely shaved and dressed HWM on paper asking you out on a date, then start pulling small moves like the ones above. If the end goal is to get laid they will adjust based on their environment setting (they won't be too rapey or pushy on a date but build up your comfort level to escalate later...). This can happen in a relationship or situation. Keep your boundaries up, ladies.
I have noticed this but had no idea what it was called. A few years ago I was googling trying to find out what it was called. I have had dates and men trying to pick me up, and even door-to-door salesmen do these kinds of things to get into my space. What bothers me is it works (on me.) The successful ones are even more subtle than the Redditor says. I notice that if they are near-strangers, they will talk nicely for a long time making eye contact then try to do subtle touching like a light touch on my wrist or elbow. They come in from the side so I am less likely to flinch & withdraw. Then doing so, I actually find I'm letting them in space when I don't want to. I have to reassert my space. I realized what was happening when a door-to-door salesman came when I was working from home and I foolishly answered the door. I have no soliciting signs clearly posted and they all just ignore them. I don't remember what he was selling but it was something I neither wanted nor was tempted to buy. What bothers me is I found it very difficult to close the door on him. I usually have good boundaries but have to be mentally prepared. I was in my head working when I answered the door so I was like defenseless and couldn't seem to get with the program. I listened to him for a long time and began making excuses to him about why it wasn't a good time to buy his whatever.

After I got away from the conversation and closed the door I felt very creeped out, as well as some other situation where I was wondering where the hell my defenses went. I thought about it and wondered why I became so wishy-washy. I recalled that I was pretty solid until he touched my wrist. It was a very subtle movement and quick but I recalled he did things like that several times without triggering my flinch response. So it really troubled me that it was that easy for me to let a layer of my guard down. Take the touching in a different scenario like on a date with someone I really like but is new to me, then the subtle touching becomes mutual. Like I enjoy standing or sitting close to the person and letting our arms touch and welcome any little gestures from him that indicate interest yet I would still flinch if he moved too quickly or too directly. I need that subtle touching to warm up to them for sure. What disturbs me so much is how easily that has been manipulated against me to close a space that I want to maintain. The difference is one scenario there is mutual consent and the subtle touching is a test to see if there is mutual consent, and the other scenario is manufacturing the appearance of consent when it's really an effective maneuver to wear down a woman's defenses and sneak into her space. The touching isn't mutual, and it doesn't stop when it's not reciprocated. Even worse when the pickup artist is at work, their only concern with your consent is manipulating it. It is troubling to me that I am that vulnerable sometimes. Not always but there are days when bad actors can get under my defenses easier than others. I should mention that I didn't buy anything and I didn't have sex with the men that tried this. What alarmed me so much is that they were able to get a lot closer to me than I normally allow and I was suddenly uncomfortably aware that this person was closer than I wanted and it was harder to get out of that bubble. It disturbed me because I felt my boundaries were better than that and here I was practically pushing a complete stranger off me in a completely awkward situation. My emotional engagement in the moment disturbed me too. I went from being aloof to friendly.
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