Beware of men who care about 'body count'
No matter how many people you've slept with (or not), consider it a red flag if a man shows too much interest in your 'number' or 'body count.' Why is this a red flag?
HVM will show interest in your romantic history rather than your sexual history. They will want to know where your past relationships went wrong and how your previous partners treated you. They will not feel threatened by your sexual past because they are secure in themselves.
No matter how many people you've slept with (or not), consider it a red flag if a man shows too much interest in your 'number' or 'body count.' Why is this a red flag?
- These kind of LVM see women as objects that depreciate or lose 'value' depending on her number of sexual partners. Even if your number is low, you are still dealing with a man who dehumanizes and disrespects women, and make no mistake, he will dehumanize and disrespect you as well.
- They view sex as something that is innately degrading to women rather than something that builds mutual love and intimacy. They likely suffer from madonna/whore complex, and they see sex as something men do to women, something that gives men power over women. Do you really want to be your most vulnerable, sexual self with a man like that?
- They subscribe to this mentality for their own power and control. They seek to control women's behavior by slandering women whose behavior they disapprove of (despite engaging in that same behavior themselves, as demonstrated in the point below). They see you as a personal conquest and perceive your previous lovers as men who have already 'conquered' you, which is why they're so threatened by your 'number'. If you sleep with them, they will have less respect for you.
- These kind of men are almost always hypocrites. Like redpillers, these LVM will slander women for having numerous sexual partners while simultaneously trying to get in your pants on the first date. Can't have it both ways fellas.
HVM will show interest in your romantic history rather than your sexual history. They will want to know where your past relationships went wrong and how your previous partners treated you. They will not feel threatened by your sexual past because they are secure in themselves.